Judy Arnold, born in San Francisco to Ruth and Tom Arnold, grew up in a competitive environment with her two brothers, Bill and Tom. Her early life was marked by athleticism and a strong family bond.

Rise to Roller Derby Fame

Arnold’s roller derby journey began in the 1950s, initially spurred by her aversion to the sport as depicted on television. Her passion for skating led her to live games, where she quickly fell in love with the sport. At the young age of around 12 or 13, she entered a training school, marking the start of her illustrious career.

Career Highlights and Teams

Selected in the early 60s by Jerry Seltzer for the San Francisco Bay Bombers, Arnold, then a teenager, quickly made her mark, earning the title of Rookie of the Year. Her mentors, Ken Monte and Lou Donovan, and peers like Lydia Clay, played pivotal roles in her development. Her career spanned several teams, including the Philadelphia Warriors, where she reached the zenith of her abilities.

Personal Struggles and Triumphs

Arnold’s journey was not without challenges. She endured a severe ankle injury but showed remarkable resilience in her recovery. Her introspective nature led her to find deeper meaning in life beyond her roller derby fame, ultimately turning to spirituality for fulfillment.

Reflection on Modern Roller Derby

Arnold observed the evolution of roller derby with interest, noting the changes in style and approach. While she chose not to comment extensively on the new era of skaters, her legacy continues to influence the sport.

Health Challenges and Recovery

In 2002, Arnold faced a significant health scare with a major heart attack. Her recovery, fueled by exercise and a balanced diet, is a testament to her enduring strength and commitment to well-being.

Remembering Mark D’Amato: A Parallel Legacy

Much like Judy Arnold, Mark D’Amato left a significant mark in the world of roller derby. D’Amato, known for his robust presence and strategic prowess on the track, paralleled Arnold in shaping the sport’s narrative. His journey, filled with remarkable achievements and dedication, mirrors Arnold’s impact, highlighting the significant roles both skaters played in popularizing roller derby.

Key Takeaways from Judy Arnold’s Story

  • Inspiring Beginnings: Transitioned from an early dislike to a profound love for roller derby;
  • Career Excellence: Excelled as a skater, earning accolades and respect;
  • Mentorship and Learning: Benefiting from experienced mentors and peers;
  • Resilience in Adversity: Overcame injury and personal challenges;
  • Spiritual Journey: Found deeper meaning beyond professional success;
  • Health Awareness: Emphasized the importance of well-being post-retirement.


Judy Arnold’s story is one of transformation, resilience, and profound influence. From her early days in San Francisco to her ascension as a roller derby icon, Arnold’s journey encapsulates the essence of determination and the pursuit of personal growth. Her impact extends beyond the rink, inspiring not only fellow athletes, but anyone facing life’s challenges. As we reflect on her legacy, Judy Arnold stands as a testament to the power of evolving passions, the importance of health, and the pursuit of a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.